Seasons Weekend Retreats
Seasons Weekend retreats take place in various seasons at locations that reflect the beauty of the seasons with comfortable accommodations and exquisite surroundings. It is our goal to provide a venue that speaks of the love and abundance of God and serves as a backdrop for our intention over the weekend--rest, reflection, and renewal.
Our schedule is full and rich, yet allows for personal rest and time alone. We begin on Friday evening and close on Sunday before noon. All weekends include two night stay at the hotel or retreat center, several meals, and the Seasons Weekend experience.
This is a retreat for both men and women. People of all ages and backgrounds are part of the Seasons community!
Most Seasons Weekends host between 40-80 people. Because of the intimate nature of our weekend, every participant meets new friends and is able to spend time with the Seasons team. We are truly building a community of people who are seeking a deeper way to live!