Waiting is never easy. Rarely would we choose to wait in a long line, or for a service to be performed, even for a child to be born—if...

Letting Go of Feeling Bad
Through the years, I’ve become an expert at feeling bad. And New Year's Day puts my expert skills into overdrive. I assess my plans &...

Most of the time, my hope is in Jesus. Other times? The ones I hate to admit, yet still occur? I hope for Jesus. Which means that most of...

75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know (An interview with Terry Glaspey)
Terry Glaspey is our resident chaperone into the world of the arts at Seasons. With his typical winsome humor, insightful contemplations,...

​​ I’ve just spent the last four days in Colorado Springs with the Seasons Weekend team. We offer spiritual retreats twice a year in...